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DX (digital transformation) training


Purpose and outline of the training

01. What is DX (Digital Transformation)?

It is to realize the following disruptive innovations by utilizing data and IT technology.

(1) Utilizing data and IT to provide new business models, new products, and services based on the needs of customers and society.

​ (2) Utilize data and IT to improve and reconstruct business processes to achieve dynamic productivity improvements and cost reductions

​02. Points for promoting DX

​Specify the use of DX in management strategy

​ Bearing in mind the expected disruptive innovation, in which field new value (creation of new business, immediacy, cost reduction, etc.) will be created by utilizing data and digital technology. It is necessary to present a concrete and clear management strategy and vision for what kind of business model should be built for that purpose.

Commitment from top management

To promote DX, it is essential to reform business, how to proceed with work, organization, education, and corporate culture. Therefore, it is essential for top management to be actively involved in and lead the DX promotion goals.

Prepare a system for promoting DX

​ Establishment of a DX promotion department that promotes and supports efforts to utilize data and digital technology, and training and securing human resources who can take the lead in implementing DX initiatives in each department throughout the company. It is necessary to continue

03. Points for developing DX human resources

In-house production of the upstream part of the system utilization/development process ((1) to (4) in the figure below)


■ Procedures for system utilization and development

Breaking down IT skills and thinking about them


Skills other than ​ "IT-specific manufacturing" do not require advanced knowledge, so anyone can acquire them.

04. Steps of DX education

≪Step 1≫ Understand DX throughout the company, including management, and have a common understanding

We aim to be able to use digital technology to improve business by learning roughly the mechanism of IT / AI, strengths and weaknesses, and cost perception. If all employees have a common recognition, the promotion of DX will be smooth.

≪Step 2≫ Place a DX promoter in the department

In order to realize DX in advance, we will develop managers in each department and human resources who will be the core of DX.

◆Management: Aim to be able to think about what to achieve with DX for each department.

​ ◆Core human resources: We aim to be able to handle system utilization and development to realize DX.

05. DX human resource development system list


​Realization of quick PDCA by conversion to DX


By digitizing and sharing information, it becomes possible to turn the PDCA cycle speedily.

Plan: to plan

Do: execute

Check: Evaluate

​ Action: Improve

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